Sunday, December 27, 2009

ffmpeg - MTS to MOV with DNxHD

So I'm trying to get some insane high quality .MTS video, down to the same quality as my DSC's .MP4 stuff in DNxHD.

I can't for the life of me convince ffmpeg to get the FPS right. So for now my solution is NOT to take it to DNxHD, but to MJPEG

The video is easier than the sound - due to Vegas having that stupid sound bug. I spent more than an hour today trying to find an audio stream that Vegas likes. So far I have this:

ffmpeg -i source.MTS -vcodec mjpeg -s 1280x720 -qscale 1 -r 30 -acodec ac3 -ac 2 -ab 192k -ar 44100 target.AVI

Video works sweet - sound still messed up!

1 comment:

cheney said...

While importing AVCHD to FCP, many guys encounter audio and video sync issue. It will be very annoying if the audio is behind or ahead of a video, even if it is only for two or one second. Sometimes, no audio but only audio or no audio but only video also happens. How to convert PXW-X70 AVCHD to Apple ProRes with audio and video sync? This article is special for this.
The problem I’m having is that when I convert from PXW-X70 AVCHD to Apple ProRes 422, the video becomes badly out of sync (in some cases the audio plays at 2x the rate of the video.)
But finally I used Aunsoft iMedia Converter for Mac to make all my troublsome problems solvable!

Learn more about it.