Every now and then Ubuntu isn't quite as user friendly as I'd like it to be - and I have to learn something new about linux.
This time, my dandy new Sony Walkman (NWZ-B105F) doesn't get auto-deteced when I plug it in. (It's being discontinued, so it's going for cheap at the sony store in Calgary)
Thanks to http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=866297 - it's not a problem - just use pmount to mount a device accessible by any user.
where is my walkman?
sudo fdisk -l
mount it!
pmount /dev/sdb1 /media/Walkman
Done! Ubuntu pops up with a link on my desktop to unmount it - but it doesn't work - so I have to do:
sudo umount /media/Walkman
Go to the Sony site, and download the new firmware. Then it just works. :)
What have I been up to?? Nothing much... Last thing of note was going to Saskatchamawoozle.